Woodchip Biomass Boiler at XYZ Machine Tools
The energy price crisis is well documented with bills doubling for many, which is leading individuals and businesses to look at alternative and environmentally-friendly ways of tackling the problem. At XYZ Machine Tools the issue was not just energy costs, but also...
The arrival story of a VMC 2010 at XYZ HQ
Last week a rather large box turned up at XYZ Machine Tools. It contained one of the largest machines in the XYZ range. The machine is so large it has to arrive on a flat rack pallet and is boxed to protect it from the elements. Once unboxed it shows itself to be a...
Time critical deliveries enhanced with XYZ ProtoTRAK mill
Seal Team Systems creates bespoke leak repair systems works for customers such as food manufacturers, energy generators, water suppliers and hospitals, to provide on-site leak sealing technology to minimise any disruption or downtime, which can be expensive or life...Record breaking six-months boosts XYZ Machine Tools’ year-end figures
Given that recovery from lockdowns was slowly gathering pace, XYZ Machine Tools was understandably happy when in the first six months of its just ended financial year sales totalled £12 million. This figure was seen as encouraging and extremely pleasing. However,...
It’s all about the music as Rega Research invests in XYZ Machining centre
For almost 50 years Southend-based Rega Research has, to the point of ‘obsession’, used engineering as the basis for the design and manufacture of its extensive range of home audio systems. Employing engineering to produce the best music for its customers, while...
Machine shop expansion leads to greater efficiency for DYN-Metal
Starting out from fairly humble beginnings under the railway arches in Camden Town, London in 1937, DYN-Metal has grown into one of the largest suppliers of continuous and centrifugal cast products, specialising standard bronzes and its own DYN Processed Bronzes. All...
Lots to see from XYZ Machine Tools at MACH 2022
With so much to experience from XYZ Machine Tools at MACH 2022 it has taken the decision to expand its presence with a second stand (17-200) that will be used to introduce the latest innovation in toolroom machining centres that will revolutionise the transition from...
Reach for the stars with an engineering career
The image of Cornwall being all beaches and pasties couldn’t be further from the truth as the county boasts a burgeoning high-tech manufacturing sector, with aerospace, medical marine and satellite communications sectors leading the way. This means there is a growing...
Landmark cancer centre benefits from gains made with XYZ vertical machining centre
The National Centre for Eye Proton Therapy, part of The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust’s Wirral campus, is a world leader for the treatment of rare eye cancers and is unique within the UK. The advantage of proton treatment is that the penetration...
Outlook remains positive for XYZ Machine Tools
Confidence within the engineering manufacturing sector continues to grow and this is reflected by the growing order book at XYZ Machine Tools. Invoiced sales and new orders for the first six months of its financial year show a strong recovery from the previous year...
Machine tool investment at centre of Meddings Group growth strategy
Meddings Group can trace its roots back to the late 1930’s when the current Chairman’s grandfather started the business and, it was in 1941 that the first Meddings Pillar drill was developed, a product, although greatly updated, remains central to the Group’s...
Export sales for XYZ Machine Tools boosted by renewed confidence in Europe
Sales of XYZ Machine Tools’ range of machine tools, particularly its ProtoTRAK controlled mills and lathes, are showing strong growth across Europe, with sales now representing 13 per cent of company turnover. From the turn of the year sales have steadily increased...Machine Tool Service Engineers
Department: Service Area: Nationwide XYZ Machine Tools LTD are a leading supplier of Machine Tools in to the UK and Europe. With over 25,000 machine tools supplied to date we are looking for an apprentice trained service engineer from within the machine tool industry...