North West and North Wales
Meet your sales adviser
Areas Covered:
CA, LA, BB, PR, FY, WN, BL, OL, M, SK, WA, WN, L, CH, CW, TF, SY, LL, and IM.

Where are you from?
I was born and grew up in the historic town of Newton-Le-Willows, located on the main railway line, mid-way between Liverpool and Manchester.
Employed by XYZ since:
January 1999.
Marital Status:
Married to Alison since 1989 with one son.
None, too busy working.
Favourite Film:
The Searchers. Despite the draft dodging leading man, this is one of the greatest westerns ever made, with a darker than usual storyline.
Favourite Song:
O mio babbino caro – Giacomo Puccini.
First Job:
Butchers Boy.
First Proper Job:
RAF Technician.
Favourite Sport:
Why I think I’m good at my job:
After almost quarter of a century at XYZ, I’ve probably come across most applications for our type of machines. I always tend to take a long-term view, believing that all good deeds will be rewarded.