West Midlands, Avon & South Wales
Meet your sales adviser
Areas Covered:
B, WR, GL, HR, NP, LD, CF, SA.

Where are you from?
Born in Epsom Surrey, grew up in the South West, now live in the Midlands.
Employed by XYZ since:
July 2012.
Marital Status:
Long term girlfriend of 9 years.
Socialising with friends, going to football and travelling.
Favourite Film:
Sucker for a War film, love History!
Favourite Song:
Half the world away – Oasis.
First Job:
Garden Centre, watering plants, lifting compost!
First Proper Job:
Apprenticeship at XYZ in Maintenance Engineering.
Favourite Sport:
Football without a doubt, supporting my beloved Queens Park Rangers.
Why I think I’m good at my job:
I started my apprenticeship with XYZ in 2012, I’ve gone from building our machines to selling the product, with a little bit of everything in between, I’m honest, a good listener and most importantly get things done for the customer.