ProtoTRAK RMX / RLX CNC Offline Software
1. Download the zip file to anywhere your computer.
2. Open the zip file, and double click on the RXOL_x.x.x.exe file to begin the installation process.
3. If this is your first time installing the software, then you should be prompted for where you would like to install the software, as shown in the picture. If this is not your first time installing this, and are simply updating to a newer version, then skip to step 8.

4. After choosing the location where you would like to install, click on the NEXT button to continue.
5. Next you will be prompted for the name of the Start menu folder where the shortcut will be created. Click on NEXT to continue.

6. Click on the Install button to begin installing the ProtoTRAK offline software.

7. Once the ProtoTRAK software has finished copying over, you’ll see this screen. This lists all the necessary components needed to run our software. If this is your first time installing, then make sure all of the boxes are checked, and then click on Finish. No harm should come if you already have something installed. Note that the installer will automatically detect if you need 32 bit or 64 bit files.
After you click Finish, you should see a progress bar show you the status of each individual program installing. Note that if you are prompted to restart the computer, you can choose to restart later so that you can finish installing everything that is necessary.

8. If you have already installed the software previously and are simply updating to the latest version, then when you first run the installer, you will simply be prompted with the following window. The installer will copy the software into the same location where it was previously installed.

9. When you get to the last window with the check boxes, you can simply leave all of the boxes unchecked, and then click on Finish.