The ProtoTRAK® CNC/Manual control is simply the best technology solution for small batch machining available today.

ProtoTRAK® RLX Control

This is the ultimate in lathe controls. Like all ProtoTRAK® controls the machine can be used manually or under full CNC control, with clearance cycles, profiling, grooving, drilling routines, standard and custom threads.

The Economics of the ProtoTRAK® RLX Control for the Lathe

Increase profitability on the lathe by up to 15 fold. If you machine tooling, fixtures, prototypes, moulds or repairs, you are among the most highly skilled, and therefore expensive people in manufacturing today. The economics are undeniable: the cost of the equipment you use is trivial compared to the cost of labour. The chart shows that you need to make your labour more efficient.

When making parts in small quantities, set-up is where much of your time is spent. Therefore set-up accounts for the majority of your labour cost (not to mention the majority of your headaches). ProtoTRAK® drastically reduces the amount of time spent in set-up. It combines the simplicity and flexibility of manual machining with the capability of making arcs, angles and circles just like CNCs, saving you time and liberating you from drudgery.

Making hard work easy
Program components like this in just minutes, or if drawings are produced by CAD just use the on-board ‘DXF File Converter’ and won’t have to bother with any programming. Programming time: 3 minutes.
See the ProtoTRAK® on the Lathe video
ProtoTRAK Control Desktop Demonstration
To book a desktop demonstration of the ProtoTRAK control, please complete the form below.

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